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Table of Contents

The start

JOURNAL ENTRY <10/09/2140>

Hey, I am Vishwesh, a Computer science and Electrical engineering dual major student at ISCIT. My interests are electronics, programming, mathematics and literature. I also like anime.

Why am I writing this?

Well, well, I had a look at stallman.org, and I have to say that's a library! Dr. Stallman, the founding father of the Free Software Movement, has expressed his views well. I want to do that too and improve my communication skills. And therefore I have decided to disable GNUwriting AI in Emacs.

Vishwesh had made it a habit to write a journal every morning. It was part of his daily routine, along with other specific tasks he adhered to, such as using the bathroom for exactly 24.5 minutes and 5.5 minutes for brushing his teeth. Once he was done with his rituals, he would sit on his computer desk and work on some personal projects he had authored.

Today, he embarked on a new computer project, It would be aimed at determining if an individual exhibited criminal tendencies and help them to improve themselves. Vishwesh decided to not release it immediately. His thought process was, "If I release this without careful consideration, people will misuse - no, no, in particular the powerful will misuse it to harm the less powerful. I need to think more about this."

He leaves for his lectures and then suddenly notices his professor, Dr. Vignesh, heading towards the lecture hall. Vishwesh finds it odd, thinking to himself, "Isn't it supposed to be Dr. Siddhartha's class?". Curiosity piqued, he approaches Dr. Vignesh and asks about the situation, "Oh, hello Vishwesh… What happened to Dr. Siddhartha? Don't you worry about him, okay? I will tell you everything in a while. Right now, focus on your robotics competition." That doesn't satisfy Vishwesh, leaving him with more questions and a sense of unease.

As he went through the lectures of the day, Vishwesh found himself mentally absent, preoccupied with thoughts about Dr. Siddhartha. He had first learned about Dr. Siddhartha when he was just 12 years old. Dr. Siddhartha had created a groundbreaking algorithm capable of identifying individuals with Alzheimer's gene. This aided in the development of a cure for the disease. Intrigued by his achievement, Vishwesh started to read more about his life.

To his surprise, Vishwesh discovered that Dr. Siddhartha was not a prodigy or someone who displayed exceptional abilities from a young age. In fact, he was fairly average in high school. However, against all odds, Dr. Siddhartha managed to get 4 Ph.D. degrees in various subjects. He truly inspired Vignesh to pursue a dual degree.

He was sitting beside his best friend, Kant who was pursuing a degree in Computer science. He was involved in the creation of eaPHY, a project by ISCIT, this had been a very complicated project, because it aimed to simulate a physically accurate Earth, and it had already acheived 65% accuracy in detecting what happens in the real Earth. Although Vishwesh was also involved in it, Kant was a major figure in it.

They walk out of the lecture hall, Kant told Vishwesh that he has go to the ISRO conference. Vishwesh walked home alone, looking at the news on his mini-computer, "Two people killed in Cambodia by radicals Thammists", reading this Vishwesh thought to himself, "Ah boy, we live in the year 2140 when will people just let go of religion?! At least we have just one religion to deal with. People in the 21st century had to deal with like 4? Or was it 6? I can't imagine how hard that would have been."

Let's watch a movie

He finally reached his room and decided to work on the project that he had started in the morning, "I need to analyze the criminals who have been arrested.". He found it on the government's official website, "Aha! Here we go! Let me have a look at the da-", he heard a knock at the door. It was strange. He opened the door. It was Vivek, an anthropology student from ISCIS, "Hey, do you want to go watch the "Corona" movie, that has recently come out?".

The movie was about the 2020 pandemic which had shock the world's health system and lead to many deaths. Vishwesh was surprised because he didn't realise how divided United India was back then, It was divided into India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. He was also surprised to see how big China appeared.

As they were walking out of the theatre. Vishwesh asked Vivek about the misinformation problem with the advent of the internet and other tools being readily available in the early 21st century, "The technology grew so rapidly that people didn't get time to mature to the various new technologies. And the various non-Free algorithms used by the big social media companies to control the masses. It was, you could say a real mess…". As they talked more about these topics and how much humanity has improved. Vivek had to part ways with Vishwesh walks to his room.

Vishwesh had been thinking about the day, and the absence of Dr. Siddhartha bothered him. Dr. Siddhartha had never taken a day off in all the time Vishwesh had known him personally.

Vishwesh finally reached his room. He sits at his computer again. "Ah! Finally, lets look at the data. Let's see, there are 4 thousand people.". He heard a knock again, "Not again!". A person at the door started shouting, "open the door Vishwesh!". Vishwesh opened the door, He saw Kant at the door. "Where have you been?", he inquires. "I went to watch a movie.", answered Vishwesh. Kant asked Vishwesh to follow him to his room.

Vishwesh was really confused by the seriousness of Kant, "What happened?" he asked. Kant asked him to just follow.

and then Vishwesh said, damn boy that's crazy

Author: tusharhero (tusharhero@sdf.org)

tusharhero's pages is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0


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